Determination of field output factors and volume averaging correction factors for different detectors in narrow Co-60 beams
Determination of field output factors and volume averaging correction factors for different detectors in narrow Co-60 beams
Nikola Šegedin
Accurate small photon field dosimetry is critical for the effectiveness and outcome of the treatment in radiation oncology. Small photon field dosimetry refers to the determination of an absorbed dose in a photon beam whose size is smaller than 3 cm ∙ 3 cm. It is complex due to the finite size of the detector, loss of lateral charged particle equilibrium, and perturbation of secondary electron fluence by the detector. Absorbed dose distributions of a small photon field with...
Electric field modificiations of  metal-dielectric multilayer systems for fabrication of optical filter microarray
Electric field modificiations of metal-dielectric multilayer systems for fabrication of optical filter microarray
Petar Pervan
Metal-dielectric multilayer systems are used for sensors, filters and absorbers. Fabrication of micro/nanostructures in these systems is complex, demanding and involves many fabrication steps. Glass poling (GP) and electric field assisted dissolution (EFAD) processes have great potential for micro/nano structuring of metal-dielectric systems. GP and EFAD are used to modify the compositional profile of samples by application of voltage inducing drift of metallic species in the...
Higher-spin-like symmetries and gauge models
Higher-spin-like symmetries and gauge models
Mateo Paulišić
Higher derivative generalizations of translation symmetries (i.e. higher-spin-like symmetries) are utilized in this work in a novel approach to gauging, leading to a Yang-Mills-like theory defined over a symplectic manifold dubbed ”master space”. The developed theory incorporates the starting symmetries by using the Moyal product, has a weakly non-local action functional, it is perturbatively stable and admits a description in terms of an L∞ algebra. The spectrum of the theory is...
Microscopic investigation of intrinsic defects in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers grown by chemical vapour deposition
Microscopic investigation of intrinsic defects in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers grown by chemical vapour deposition
Ana Senkić
The investigation of two-dimensional (2D) materials has attracted a great interest after the discovery of the one-atom-thick material - graphene, in 2004. Due to its semimetallic nature, graphene is not suitable for easy implementation in the semiconducting industry. On the other hand, layered semiconducting materials, such as monolayer (1L) MoS2, have been proven to be good candidates for fabrication of various devices. Its bandgap is in the visible part of the electromagnetic...
The effects of clouds on the reconstruction of gamma-ray-induced air showers observed with CTA telescopes
The effects of clouds on the reconstruction of gamma-ray-induced air showers observed with CTA telescopes
Mario Pecimotika
In the very-high-energy range, both the low flux of cosmic gamma rays and their inability to penetrate the atmosphere, limit direct observations of cosmic phenomena. Over the past three decades, the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Technique has become a powerful tool in the veryhigh-energy gamma-ray astronomy. As their name implies, Cherenkov telescopes observe gamma rays indirectly by capturing short flashes of Cherenkov light produced in the cascade of secondary particles in the...
Theoretical simulations of quasi-particle spectra in doped graphene
Theoretical simulations of quasi-particle spectra in doped graphene
Josip Jakovac
This thesis covers several aspects of the electronic and electromagnetic properties of doped graphene; peculiar properties of the 2D plasmon, strong quasi-particle interactions with these plasmons and finally the possibility of transforming these plasmons into radiative modes. The thesis is imbued with comparisons with available experiments and offers a solution to the longstanding problem of plasmon emission prosess seen in ARPES experiments. A graphene is a 2D single-layer hexagon...